
Showing posts from August, 2011


In my this many years of life I never bother to check….. Check the meaning of RELATIONSHIP….. I never tried to understand the meaning…. So, this morning the situation has forced me to check Thesaurus The following meanings were given against relationship……. Association, connection, affiliation, rapport, bond, liaison, link and correlation etc..etc.. Whatever may be the meaning, I came to know that…. There can be only two types of relationships… One by choice….One by chance….. One we can choose….One just happens…. There is a lot of difference between these two kinds of relationships But yet……….there remains a few similarities… Any relationship….though it may began on any basis…..requires Fundamental criteria called trust!! It all depends on how you nurture it… How much value you give to it…. It’s always easy to make or break a relationship But definitely very difficult to maintain a relationship It requires lot of understanding…. Lot of adjustments…Lot of patien...

Why to Explain????

Yesterday one of my colleagues miffed with me. She thought I have given some kind of complaint against her and without any queries held me responsible for the scolding she got from the boss. First I was shocked to hear that... all of a sudden from her when I entered the room, Then I felt bad as I was no way involved with that. Before I say something she left the room. Immediately I thought I should go to her and explain that I am no where involved in the tousle. The moment I stepped out suddenly somehow I realized that… I am going to give her explanation about a thing which I am not a part of. I could realize that...with her mere influencing character… She could invoke the thought in my mind that I have done some mistake…. That means ….she has already won half a battle…. And if I really go and do the explanation means …. I am accepting a thing which I have not done…. I am accepting that she is correct! So, SHE WILL BE A WINNER….. The moment I realized the thing….I ...

Just to Tell You.......

In the long run of busy life.. In the day to day struggle for existence...... I may not say quite often... I remember you I miss you But.... Wherever I go.. Whatever I do.. You will be always there In the core of my heart.... With same love and affection As you were during all these days...... (Wish you were alive today)

You Live Only Once!!

Everything is likely to change Everyone is prone to revise Bear in mind…… You always get a chance To change the way you perceive Look beyond boundaries Look beyond limitations Don’t forget….. You always have a chance To expand the way you think Life is a flow and you never know When and where you will land But recall…… You always have a chance To alter the route you travel You live only once…and Failing to live your life Don’t make any sense Remember ….. You always have a chance To transform the way you live Because…Life comes only once! Because …..You live only once!!

Indians...Jai Ho!

Today morning I woke up to a remix of all kind of patriotic songs coming in full volume from loud speakers from all the four sides of my house. Nothing much has changed…. The way the programs are conducted…. The way the schools celebrate … The way the leaders give the speeches….and Not even in the genre of songs… I was listening to same old mere "desh ki dharthee"…. Since past 25 years or even more. I think we are perfectly tuned for celebrating Independence Day! Independent fully to celebrate according to our choice…. Sit at home watch Avatar and enjoy holiday, Go to office to impress boss and get quick promotion, Visit a friend/relative's home and use time wisely, Wash your car/ clean carpet… The list goes on, choices are plenty. We Indians always know how to and where to be independent. No one has ever complained…we all are very comfortable the way we are independent in India. We can talk all bull shit about politics and certainly never bother to w...

Take Time.... Before You Celebrate!

Have you ever thought why do we celebrate? Celebrate a special day once in a year…. Such as marriage day...birth day….friendship day…. fathers day…mother’s day….etc., etc., We celebrate, because… In 365 days of busy and routine life… This One Day gives us an opportunity to reflect upon the past …. Where and how we began, what are our commitments…. It gives us a chance to re-look at the present …. Where we stand today and what are our achievements And finally ….. It gives us a choice to get reorganized for the better future… Where and how we want to be….at the end of the day. So, take time... at least once in a year Before celebrating and before receiving the wishes….. "Many Many Happy Returns of The Day" Take time to look back…to look around… So that you can go ahead in life. Because…in a journey called life All the relationships require…only one ingredient! The ingredient called TIME!! What do you say?

You Are My Life

Each passing moment of time Reminds me that I am missing YOU.... My life But this time never realizes that My life is countable only when I am with you How can I miss my life? When I am living without you.........

à°œీవన పయనం

à°Žà°¡à°¤ెà°°à°—à°¨ి à°œీà°µిà°¤ పయనం à°…à°²ుà°ªెà°°ుà°—à°¨ి à°œీవన గమనం à°•à°°ిà°—ిà°ªోà°¯ే à°ª్à°°à°¤ిà°•్à°·à°£ం à°¸ాà°—ిà°ªోà°¯ే à°ª్à°°à°¤ిà°¦ిà°¨ం అవధుà°²ుà°²ేà°¨ి పయనం à°…ంà°¤ుà°¤ెà°²ియని à°—à°®్à°¯ం à°•à°¨ుà°²ు à°®ూà°¸ి à°¤ెà°°ిà°šే à°²ోà°—ా కదలిà°ªోà°¯ే à°•ాà°²ం à°…ంà°šుà°¨ à°¸్వప్నవీà°šిà°•à°²ాంà°Ÿి పయనం à°°ాà°—à°®ాà°²ిà°•à°²ాంà°Ÿి పయనం మనస్à°¸ు పలిà°•ే à°®ౌà°¨ాలలోà°¨ à°ªెదవి à°¤ెà°²ిà°ªే à°­ాà°µాలలోà°¨ à°¨ిà°¤్యవేదనలాంà°Ÿి పయనం సత్యగీà°¤ిà°•à°²ాంà°Ÿి పయనం à°¨ిà°°్à°£ీà°¤ సమయాలలోà°¨ à°¨ిà°°్à°¦ేà°¶ిà°¤ à°®ాà°°్à°—ాలలోà°¨ à°•ాలభ్రమణంà°¤ోà°Ÿి పయనం à°•à°¡à°¤ేà°°ేవరకు పయనం!!!

Become One With The Dead

People…days...moments… One day...all become dead… But….suddenly some times All come alive… Taking name of memory All come back… Back into our lives! They enter with more logic They enter with more vigor They move us…they shake us They enter with more coherence Memories are like knife They cut us into pieces They break us into tears They take away our peace They leave us in abeyance People…days...moments… Though dead… Will turn you into an asylum Where they can rest Making you unrest… Beware… Go away... Go away quite far.... So that… You become one with them You become one with the dead Hanging in never ending memories...


Let us talk a billion times dear But don’t be silent… Come what may! Let us walk a million miles together But don’t depart… Come what may! Let us do a thousand things dear But don’t be different… Come what may! Let us take a hundred oaths together But don’t separate… Come what may! Let us live this ONE life dear But don’t be apart… Come what may! Together … U and ME! Forever my dear… Come what may!!