
What a difference it makes to each moment of the day
Whether you are dead or moves in the same way

Time might have stopped in your clock
It still tickles in the same old way

One condolence message... one Watts Up tribute
One minute silence then same bustle of every day

That's all friend what you earn...
Some memories with people you have spent...
Some comments on your Face Book page...

You bother so much about world......
Let me tell you it's a mere waste...
It don't even waste a minute to say you... a proper good bye

May you rest in peace..only wish  I can pray.
As I know the world is always in peace....
With you or without you.......I must say!

(Remembering a colleague of our Lab whom we lost this Saturday)


Gillena Cox said…
My condolences. And a Happy Easter to you where in hope continues

Much love...
PT said…
Thanks a lot for all that warmth expressed by you.
Susan said…
Oh yes, we become footnotes so fast. Maybe. Maybe he made a real difference in bending the world/universe in a way we don't know yet. He certainly made a difference to you, for which, my condolences on your loss. It was Vonnegut's "Sirens of Titan" that gave me a longer more mysterious view of time and achieving goals than ever before. After that, it was possible for me to form a deeper relationship with God.
PT said…
Thanks Susan for all those meaningful..consoling words!

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