Friends are like memories

Friends are like memories
Some good… some bad
Some sweet…  some mad
True you can choose them
But it’s they who decide…. to stay or leave

Friendships are like cyclic process
You meet …you mingle
You treat…you part
No one is permanent
No one is life long
They keep coming and going
Some come for a season
Some come with a reason

Remember…they are like memories
In fact …with time, friends become memories
You evolve…
Your thought evolve…
Your memories evolve

Bad may become good
Good may be become bad….
Seasons do change…reasons may differ

Friends are friends forever
Friends remain in memories forever

For Poets United Poetry Pantry #293


Jae Rose said…
Perfectly put - i love how this one trips off the knowledge learnt and shared
Old Egg said…
I'd like to think that this is true but sadly the friends may have not have changed but ourselves.
Anonymous said…
True. :-)
totomai said…
Friends are family too :) They will always be a part of your life even the relationships fail.
C.C. said…
I like to think that some friends really are lifelong. My Grandma just buried her best friend. They had been best friends for 92 years!
brudberg said…
That's how I would like to see friends as well.
Sherry Blue Sky said…
I especially like "friends come for a reason"....they do indeed. Some of my friends came at true turning points in my life and helped point the way.
I agree perfectly stated and beautifully worded!
So much truth here... but this coming and going oddly makes friendship worthwhile all along.
Mary said…
So true, friendships come and go....but sometimes there ARE those that come AND stay! Those are treasures.
Luk Lei said…
like a good hearty soup, the essence boiled down to end. Very nice!
ScottlB said…
That's why we call them friend, good poem!
Myrna R. said…
This poem is full of truth. Enjoyed reading it.
ZQ said…
Sounds like we have the same background :-)
PT said…
A wise man learns from others mistakes, but a poet learns from his/her own mistakes...what do you say?
PT said…
So very true1
PT said…
May be its everyone's dream to have one such friend
but only a few luck ones will get!
PT said…
Yes, honestly we cant imagine a situation without a friend sometimes!
PT said…
Thanks friend...
PT said…
Most of us, I think will have same history..That's how we all are here writing poetry!
PT said…
Yah...they say change is law of life!
PT said…
Poetry comes out through some real experiences...what say?
PT said…
Thanks a lot!
PT said…
Thanks to agree with my view
PT said…
It's always mutual I think...the change!
PT said…
Totally agree with you Mary!
slowmover said…
i am visiting your blog after long time,its as usual beautifully crafted meaningful worded from inner core.however friends with season is just aquaintance and with reason is both should be lesson of life with no memory.

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