Music is nothing in front of DEAF!!!

After observing people closely for quite some time, (rather quite long time I should say)
I realized that…. now a day’s its so called friends who are more dangerous than enemies!
I am not talking about all those real/ good/ trust worthy friends…
But certain "friends", who display different, shades in different situations!

There is a saying “known devil is better than unknown god”!
It seems right…because, when we have enemies…we know that they are our enemies
And we take all kind of precautions in their presence or even in their absence!
We maintain certain distance and judgment!
We deal with them very, very carefully!

But when it comes to "friends"… (Who cheats us in the name of friendship!), whom we believe blindly.
We make ourselves fools…by believing them, trusting them and revealing them the finest details of our life, our dreams and more importantly our weaknesses!

It’s where they trouble us…disturb us….and finally when nothing works out, they discord us!

Actually…it’s not their mistake!
It’s our blind folded mind…that brings in this kind of situation!

Now a day’s everything became so fast track…
Fast track…meetings…interactions…disclosures…and finally leading to dis-pleasures!

Being…so fast track in life,
Off late we have forgotten that…
Friendship is like a sapling!
It requires time, care and nourishment to grow properly!

In a hurry burry life…with a confused state of mind,
We have forgotten that….
It requires wisdom to understand wisdom!
Music is nothing in front of DEAF

Trust is a mutual thing!
Check the liability of the other person...
Before extending your hand of friendship!

Beware of false friendships!
Beware of fast track friendships!

Tackle them with little narrow mind…instead of open mind
So that you won’t lose your heart on later date!!

What do you say???


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