Daughters are like Daisy flowers, reflecting their symbolic meaning …. Beauty, Innocence, Loyal love and Purity. Today is a special day for me Sometime in the past on this very same day, I got a new designation …MOTHER! Life at every stage has its own plus and minus points My daughter’s birth took away my freedom and gave me some new responsibilities… Making me more vulnerable and stronger at the same time. Vulnerable with sentiment! Strong with support! How true it is as someone quoted … “Through birthing a daughter, a woman finds herself face to face not only with an infant, a little girl, a woman-to-be, but also with her own unresolved conflicts from the past and her hopes and dreams for the future”. This is the beauty and this is the problem in mother daughter relationship… The relationship which I enjoy and also fear… Enjoyment…because she reflects me and tries to surpass me. Fear…because by doing so she should not tumble upon something unwanted. As a mother I a...