No Two Paths Are Same On Earth!

We all believe in that… and we all try to do that….
Following a known path…to make it sure… to achieve success!!

It may be education, carrier, marriage, arts, sports or even hair style….

So and so studied in that coaching centre and got good rank in IIT….
So, admit your son in that….without a blink!
Whether your son is capable of putting the same effort in studies or not!

So and so chosen that profession and flourishing….
So, make your daughter take the same course…
Whether your daughter prefers to take the same job or not!

Sania Mirza got coaching from the same tennis academy….
Join your ward in that…. without any botheration!
Whether your child is inclined towards tennis both physically and mentally!

Anushka looks simply superb with the hair cut….
You too opt for same … without a second thought!
Whether your face cut and personality matches with Anushka or not!

Even once in a life time occasion like marriage also we try to imitate
Same marriage hall………though it’s far off from your place,
Same kind of decoration…….though it doesn’t fit in your budget,
Same dress and make up….though it doesn’t match with your physique,
And the list goes on and on and on…………

We never try to realize that every individual is different!
And most importantly…………..
Every individual’s approach towards a thing differs…
Given same situation….no two individuals on Earth can think same.

Each individual has his/her own set of views to tackle a situation
Each individual has his/her pace of walk to approach a destination

Though the paths appear similar….No two paths are same on earth.
Because, the individual is different, the approach is different!

In fact if a same person has to follow the same path twice……..
There will be definitely some path difference………..

So remember………..never try to follow or do same thing
No two paths are same on earth!
Make your own way to success!!


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