Decide Your Priority!

I often see people actually feel good about other people’s bad situations!
Though they appear sad from outside…from within they will be quite happy!
They feel satisfied…if someone is on their knees!

After all we are human beings you know!
We can’t think beyond certain limits!

We can never feel fully satisfied with others behavior
Their riches, their intellect, their spouse…kids….car…
Anything that matters to the society!

We think that we should be always on top!
No problem….think!
But at the same time …
We also think...that others should not come near to us…
If not in all matters, at least in some things!
And that is the problem!

That’s what makes... most of us in this world, so very competitive!
We all and run!
Tirelessly…endlessly...beyond time limit!
Till death!

By doing so...we actually forget to live!
This one and only life!

We all bother about petty things...
Promotion, palatial house…bank balance…branded goods…
If possible dream buying a Bentley or at least a Benz!

No one ever thinks…What is the use of all these things?
When there is none to care for you...cry for you!
When there is none to listen to you…console you!

Money can buy you all the luxuries…
But can’t give the warmth of a hug from the dear one!

Spend time for the ones who is near to you
Rather than spending in earning!
Earning… to prove your worth!
In front of others … for the society!

In difficult times….you require…
A shoulder to lean on!
A hand to wipe your tears!
Remember that…and decide your priority!


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