Moments lost ...

Moments lost ...memories found

People part...inflections behold

Trying to gather the essence of life

Time percolates leaving aside relicts

Gathering all the lose ends

By the time you concentrate..

Life descends become one with the universe!

(For poetry Jam:Lost & Found)


Brian Miller said…
ha. i like the use of percolates...
i think all of our lost things have reason...and some even pave the way for us to find all the more...
Donna Smith said…
Yes, gathering lose ends...
is neverending until life ends.
Sherry Blue Sky said…
Lots of lost and found in living......good one!
Sumana Roy said…
"Moments lost ...memories found"
nothing is actually lost...our life is truly that...
alan1704 said…
This feels forlorn with a beauty of sadness. A lot of interesting moments.

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