Timeless time......

Time never comes twice
Sometimes it flows
Sometimes it freezes
Taking you along with it
Time never gives you choice
Time rules you….you can’t hold time

You look back …you look far
You grab some ….some you steal
Yet time gains you…you won’t gain one
Moments slip...leaves only stains!

Life is an enigma …none gets its essence
If you think…you sink
Learn to float ….go with the flow!
Never challenge time...accept and go!


ZQ said…
Wonderful! My favorite tea cup at my daughter-in-law's is "eat cake and move on" :-)
Sumana Roy said…
oh yes...go with the flow.. :)
alan1704 said…
Time is man's mystery and man's slave, the relentless master. Well done.
Natašek said…
indeed! go with the flow, there's no resisting time.
Sherry Blue Sky said…
When we stop pushing the river and let it carry us, life gets much easier. Well said.
scotthastiepoet said…
The flow of time - very true... With Best Wishes Scott www.scotthastie.com
Vandana Sharma said…
If we resist this flow, its we who will be affected and feel the pain, so very wise advice of flowing along.................
Gen Giggles said…
Great description poem. Good advice at the end.

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