It's quite enchanting being a fool.....

To be or not to be is a question
But let me tell you...
Being a fool always makes you happy

Not bothering about the mundane world
Not quarrelling about the routine jobs

Looking all the world around as one
Feeling all the nature belongs to none

It's quite fetching if you are a fool

No expectations from you...
You expect nothing from the world

No following for you
You follow no rule of the globe

Living within the realm of truth and love
Living with the feel of trust and care

Living with the dreams of your own
Living in the world of your own

It's quite enchanting being a fool


Poets United Midweek Motif ~ Foolishness


Susan said…
Yes, you hit all the high spots! It feels like an unobtainable fantasy from the perspective of the culture I live in--at least while one needs to earn a living. But I have known people in retreats to approximate the joy and release you speak of and I was lucky enough to have some years of it while very young. Perhaps one can develop this as a state of mind?
I love your take on this!
Sumana Roy said…
ah...that's a dream life...if only it were possible :)
Mary said…
So true...being a fool definitely has its advantages. Smiles.
Jae Rose said…
yes in those terms I absolutely agree - great poem!
Gen Giggles said…
Great poem, would that being a fool was always like that.
Myrna R. said…
I like the foolishness you describe. Wish we were all fools this way.
Gail said…
I know a few like this.

Well done.
Sherry Blue Sky said…
It sounds like you are enchanted with all the best stuff - nature, light-heartedness and wonder!

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