
Showing posts from February, 2016

Holding your thought

Memories of yours swing in my mind Just like hanging sword on my neck Neither they allow me to die Nor they allow me to live in peace I don't know..why I can't remove YOU from my thought Maybe you are so deep in my mind Buried under countless memories Maybe you are so hard in my brain The soft feels are afraid to rub with you Maybe you are so archaic in my time You are the beginning of all my memories Maybe you are so fresh in my   life You are the end of all my thoughts Maybe you are so significant dear Epitome of all my being So... you are still there, in my memories Hanging like a sword on my neck And, I am still here..... Holding your thought...close to my heart!  For Poets United, Poetry Pantry #291

"Mother Earth"

Every day I witness Every moment I feel How man has changed the world How he is manipulating the nature "Mother Earth" remains in books and words Winds are   taking different turn Temperatures are scorching high Farms are drying without rain People die with parched throats True, we all witness We all witness... silently We face problem but never try to solve We think of safe present Least bothered about coming generations Hey listen .... You just can't sit and watch You just can't be a mere spectator You just can't be a witness A witness is a witness When he can take a stance A witness is true witness When he can win the situation Remember my friend.... "As you sow so shall you reap" Bring the witness alive till you get what you believe Take care of your mother earth.... Nurture the nature which bestows us in abundance As   nowhere you can find a place to replace.... Nowhere you ...

World shrinks with thought

Everyday... mind opens a new window Thoughts proliferate in different directions Life enters in to new territories They say... life is too small I never see any thought ending in itself One thought will lead to other ... With becomes endless! World shrinks with thought No boundaries between your thought and mine The words of these verse connects you and me Everyday my mind opens a new window In the world of poetry You and me are always bound by thought!  (For Poets United Poetry Pantry #290)


You love…you propose I love …I accept You and Me become “WE” Commitment for life time House becomes home Dreams become reality Happily ever after… Not for sure…. Marriages are made in heaven But experienced on earth Quickly times change Galore of responsibilities Changing jobs...bringing up children Buying flat...owning a car Everything becomes priority Somewhere in sustaining marriage We become “You and Me” again I suggest …you refuse You change…I regret Moment’s meltdown… Love becomes mesmerizing memory Dreams become screams Marriage becomes adjustment Still and me Keep up our pace... With life’s changing face Walk ahead with faith Move ahead with hope I know…now I realize… Getting married is easy Staying married is tough I think the very word of marriage …. The sacred bond is the one which kept us together For the past 25 years… (May be for another 25 years too) Love is not...

I am Listening to...


You make me non-human!

Moving over the world Making it hey and healthy From a small spring running in the wild forests to An historical river bank holding monument of love I keep moving… change places From invisible to remarkable It’s all your thought ….I am the same throughout But when I come to your place (City) You change my color….you change my shape You try… controlling my speed It’s then…you make me frustrated with your rules... It’s then…you make me burst  You make me non-human! You blame me simply… Never realize that… You don’t owe me... I am the one with the nature Cherish or perish on its lap It’s your wish…it’s your will… (An ode to River Yamuna) For Poets United Midweek Motif ~ The Inanimate & The Non-Human "