Open Thought

Every day I open the door
The door to the new span
The door to the new life

All the sunshine right upon
The entire cool breeze out there
Welcome me with the open arms

All the clouds in the blue skies
All the waters of the flowing rivers
Cheers me with their waving hands

Life seems same but for your approach
Change the angle by which you see
Keep an open mind to live the life
Face afresh the world everyday

Garner the faith…. keep the hope alive
Take your stride on right path
Always go with an open thought

Life will be never be the same

Life will be never the same….

For Poets United Midweek Motif ~ Open / Openness


Jae Rose said…
Live each day as if it is our last seems to follow on from this poem - life moves and i suppose we must move with it
J Cosmo Newbery said…
Life is what you make it. Use good ingredients.
Sherry Blue Sky said…
Opening the door, the mind, the spirit, makes each day an adventure....lovely writing.
Mary said…
Ah, I love the feeling you have expressed here....sometimes we just know that never again will life be the same, and it is good!! Smiles.
Sumana Roy said…
this is a wonderful approach to openness, full of positive vibes...
Sanaa Rizvi said…
Garner the faith…. keep the hope alive
Take your stride on right path
Always go with an open thought

Beautifully optimistic..!!
Susan said…
This is profound: Open the door and "Change the angle by which you see"
and everything follows from there. Yes, beautiful.
I love the joie-de-vivre!
slowlearner said…
evry day is different from the last one and it depends on your thoughts on the begining.nicely explained the LIFE.

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