Every time you brake....

You impair me a hundred times
With your deter denature acts
But I emerge with sublime resilience

You hurt me a thousand times
With you blazed bizarre words
But I re-surge with divine silence

Every time you brake
Every time I build

As words and acts only can affect only the outer crust
The inner core.... the very soul of mine is intact

Just like the solid earth!

Poets United Midweek Motif ~ Bullying


Jae Rose said…
Amen to that! Once we have found the strength in our centre we can become almost undefeatable
Susan said…
Oh, to be so grounded! Beautiful poem, even a full meditation/mantra. Thank you!
PT said…
Thank you Susan...Hope it had fitted with the theme!
PT said…
Oh today I was in desperate mood...the words came like the replay to the world!
Sanaa Rizvi said…
Such a stellar closing line..! Beautifully done :)
Mary said…
Yes, words and actions affect the outer crust....but after a short time, I think, they seep through to the core of a person & there the damage is done.
Sherry Blue Sky said…
A poem of strength and resilience. I like that the inner core, "the very soul of me is intact". Awesome.
Sumana Roy said…
constant rebuilding definitely makes one aware of one's inner power....
Uma said…
shows great inner spirit to stay resilient in the face of someone beating you down all the time
PT said…
Yes... may be! but my poem is to ignore the damage and march ahead in life taking only the positive aspect
what do you say Mary? am I right?
PT said…
As a geologist I always wonder how the inner part of the Earth is molten compare to the harder outer crust!
That's the beauty...that is the nature!
PT said…
Seal the imperfect deal of life once for all
Life then becomes perfect
What do you say Sumana
you know it better....your words always reflect that!
PT said…
Of course...I have faced so many adversities in my life
the beauty is I never reflect them
Rock solid ....after all dealing with rocks since so many years
PT said…
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