Life is Now

Quite often we do that
But rarely do we realize…
We realize…. that we think a lot about
Either past or future and
Forget about the PRESENT!!

We go on think about things
Which we have done
Which are closed!
Which are sealed!
Permanently in the time frame!!
Which we can not change by any means..

But still we think
Think endlessly….
What would have been…
If it would have been
Etc etc…etc…..

Never we try to realize that……..
That thing… that action… was perfect for that moment
That thing and that action had a perfect past….
We keep on try to rebuild the building
In which we are already living…
And by doing so… we lose the happiness of living
Living in the present moment…….

Similarly we think about future…..

We go on plan for things….
Which we are going to do…
Which may or may not take place
Which are rather uncertain……
Which we can not decide right now……

But still we plan……
Plan untiringly………
It is going to be like that…
I am going to do that…

We go on build castle in the air
We struggle endlessly to build our future
We forget what we are made of
We forget what we are capable of doing

Never do we recognize
Recognize that……
We does not have any control on future
Future can not be created……
As per our requirement

Everything will shape up at appropriate time
Every action will take place according to judgement
Our judgement... at that particular time period

We can not take time into our hands
We can not travel ahead of time
By doing so we just forget
Forget to live in the moment
We miss the present………….

Why is that we always spend time…
Thinking unnecessarily either about past or future….
Why we forget to live right in the moment

Present is your faithful friend
Present is with you right now
Present belongs to you

Live with it....
Enjoy with it...
Believe in it...

Life is calling…
Live in the present..


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