In my this many years of life
I never bother to check…..
Check the meaning of RELATIONSHIP…..
I never tried to understand the meaning….

So, this morning the situation has forced me to check Thesaurus
The following meanings were given against relationship…….
Association, connection, affiliation, rapport,
bond, liaison, link and correlation etc..etc..

Whatever may be the meaning, I came to know that….
There can be only two types of relationships…
One by choice….One by chance…..
One we can choose….One just happens….

There is a lot of difference between these two kinds of relationships
But yet……….there remains a few similarities…
Any relationship….though it may began on any basis…..requires
Fundamental criteria called trust!!
It all depends on how you nurture it…
How much value you give to it….

It’s always easy to make or break a relationship
But definitely very difficult to maintain a relationship
It requires lot of understanding….
Lot of adjustments…Lot of patience …..and
Above all….Lot of faith!!!!

So, here comes in true sense…
All the meanings of relationship…
Given in Thesaurus ……

There has to be an absolutely harmonious association
There has to be an unparallel connection
There has to be an everlasting affiliation
There has to be a good rapport
There has to be a strong bond
There has to be a permanent liaison
There has to be an unbreakable link and
There has to be a perfect correlation
For a relationship to sustain...

So, if you are in any relationship
Never break their faith in you
It not only breaks the relationship
But also puts breaks to your ….Otherwise smooth ride of life….


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