Take Time.... Before You Celebrate!

Have you ever thought why do we celebrate?
Celebrate a special day once in a year….

Such as marriage day...birth day….friendship day….
fathers day…mother’s day….etc., etc.,

We celebrate, because…
In 365 days of busy and routine life…

This One Day gives us an opportunity to reflect upon the past ….
Where and how we began, what are our commitments….

It gives us a chance to re-look at the present ….
Where we stand today and what are our achievements

And finally …..

It gives us a choice to get reorganized for the better future…
Where and how we want to be….at the end of the day.

So, take time... at least once in a year
Before celebrating and before receiving the wishes…..

"Many Many Happy Returns of The Day"

Take time to look back…to look around…
So that you can go ahead in life.

Because…in a journey called life
All the relationships require…only one ingredient!
The ingredient called TIME!!

What do you say?


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