Bewitchingly beloved heart

Each day...each moment

I try to convince you

Each day.. each moment

You convince me for sure

I never questioned your integrity

I thought after all you are my part

I thought after all you are my heart

Each time I realized the fact that

You obediently disobey me

Each time you pacified me

I wanted peace in my life

You gave me love instead

I wanted you to solve my confusion

You made me to believe that...

Confusion is a state of peace

You made me to trust..

Bewitchingly beloved heart ...

That love is mystification

Yet an essential Ingredient

Without which...

I can't survive

Life can't sustain

(For Poets United: Poetry Pantry#205)


Brian Miller said…
i would hate to even imagine trying to live life with out love....
Stormcat Poetry said…
I thought at first that I related then as I read further I thought that I didn't relate. And on and on. Perhaps it is the nature of love to be confused . . . .

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