Citizen of Universe"
I want to go back...
Back in to the realm of time
Not years... not centuries
Probably Periods...probably Eras
Even may be Eons...
When Earth has formed
4.6 Billion years ago..
No walls... no boundaries
No barriers
It was all one....
One beautiful Blue Planet
Only one such planet in the universe
Where life evolved slowly
Where man flourished steadily
I don't know when in the Time Scale
Who built the walls
Who made the divides
I don't know where in the History
Why people got differed
Why they become partial
I don't know...
How things changed
How Cities got built
How Citizens evolved
The only thing I know .....
"I want to be one with the
"I want the world to be one"
"I want to be the citizen of
Where people live in unison
Where people live in peace
(Periods, Eras, Eons are part of Geological Time Scale)
For Poets United Midweek Motif ~ Citizenship