You can’t say…that “I am living”!

Simply sitting at home
Yesterday evening I started thinking
What is the one thing …?
By doing which I can say that …
I am living!

I know…I am eating/ sleeping/ walking/ talking/ breathing and my heart is beating!
I know I am doing my work…both at home and office…meeting people!

But is this all ….that makes living?????
Is there something else that I am missing???

I tried to exactly figure out ….what is that one thing
Which gives you a feeling that you are living?

My thorough thinking has prompted me to say that
It’s nothing but….SHARING

Yes it’s sharing….
Unless you share your words/works/ joys/ sorrows/ thoughts/dreams ….
With the people surrounding you….
If not many…. at least with one person in this whole world
You can’t say…that “I am living”!

Certainly the person (he or she) becomes
Your witness…
Your evidence…
To prove that….you does exist on this planet Earth…
Otherwise who knows? Who you are…?

What do you say???????


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