Confession …!!

Glued to my seat

Keeping my eyes wide open

I look at the door

In anticipation

I look for you

I look for that moment

When you come


Take me into your hands

Hold close to your heart

Turn me on….

With your tender fingers

Enthusiastically ….going through me

Excitedly…pointing out the essence

I look for that moment

When you get….

All your questions answered!

For that one moment of your satisfaction

I lie here in this dust…

I tie myself in this shelf

I restrict myself to these four walls

These four walls called library!!


Wait for you long years!!

They call me a book…

Where information is stored!!


I feel ….I am your spread!

Unfolding the secrets for you!

Extending the horizons for you!!

(Inspired by my recent visit to library....after a long gap)


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