Take them along…

The year is coming to an end……

Definitely time to look back and retrieve the things we have done

A year passed will have all its good and bad moments put together!

We all have a tendency…

Tendency to always find something good…about ourselves!

Forgetting that…life cannot be full of good things….all the time!!

I often see people regretting about doing certain things….silly… stupid…illogical things…

Most of the times…. they happen without any planning

But still....they are the right things to happen….for that moment

Remember that…

We are not perfect all the time

We can't be!

Let me tell you one secret today….

Of all the things you have done and achieved during a particular period….

If you go down the memory lane…..

After a gap of certain time … …

Most of the times….

The most pleasurable moments….

The most treasurable moments….

Will be the moments ….which you have not planned….

Which you have done on impulse…the ones which seem so stupid…so silly…unreasonable....


Somewhere deep down……your conscious says that…they are the best moments of that period!

So never regret looking back at the mistakes of the past…

It's time to realize that….

Many a times we are not what we are today….

Without all those silly…. stupid mistakes…

Take them along…

Move ahead!

What do you say?

After all life is not a thing of …

Planning and management all the time!!


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