I…. Me …Myself….Love

Quite often I speak about love
But yet it always seems enigmatic to me

I always feel that …

There  is something
Unheard about love
There is some part
Unknown about love

Love never reveals its complete picture to me
As and when I encounter…I learn about it
Bit by bit

And whenever I get a new bit
I try to fit it.... into the big picture
I want to finish the zig-saw puzzle
The puzzle called love

But …this four decades of life has taught me
One thing for sure that….
Even on my last day of life….
Love  will reveal me something new!

Today morning while conversing with a friend
I got a new revelation of love!

In dictionary…"I" may come before "Love"
But in life …if you truly love a person
"Love" will certainly come before "I"

I feel it has to be
Otherwise…it is not love

It may sound a bit harsh or rude
But I always believe that if you love someone
That person should be your first priority
Let the heavens fall on earth
It should not change

But as I often observe people…
My family…friends…all those who say "I love you"

They always keep love beyond themselves
First it’s….. I…. Me …Myself….then love

I just want to tell all of them…
Sorry…dear(s)…you are wrong

As long as you think of yourself first
You just can’t achieve true love

What do you say?
Of course….it’s just for sake of asking

I know I am right!


never mind said…
u have very nice way of expression,very straight.its true that I always comes before anything.see it for urself there are two I in your last line.anyway its good.
never mind said…
u have very nice way of expression,very straight.its true that I always comes before anything.see it for urself there are two I in your last line.anyway its good.
slowlearner68@yahoo.com said…
i fully agree with u,if its true love then there should not be i before or in between.in fact a person is good if he doesnt have i in his dictionary.

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