Me walking alone…

The moment I step out of the four walls

Cool breeze welcomes me with open arms

The plants wave with their gentle hands

The flowers wish with their beautiful smile

The setting sun and the raising moon

Taking me into their realm

All appear so wonderful…

The slow pace picks up the momentum

As the number of rounds goes up

I gain all the fervor I have lost during the day

I see whole world during my walk

I see whole life on my track

The old man who talks to me the philosophy

The young boy who explains his game of Frisbee

The ladies gang who chit chat endlessly

The teenage club busy with their gadgets

Me walking alone…

Taking along …all of them

The sky... The earth…

The streets...The tweaks

The world …the life

The eternal paths!

 Me walking alone…


(For Poets United, Verse First ~ Walk in Gratitude)

The  experiences of my daily walk in the evening.



Unknown said…
Nice !!!!

Sherry Blue Sky said…
Alone, yet so not alone, with Everything That Is. Loved this.
TCPC said…
Alone yet never lonely! lovely piece!
Susan said…
Never truly alone. Gratitude.
Vandana Sharma said…
Wow! what a lovely journey, would love to travel this......

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