Life is abundant...

Life is never stagnant

It goes on... end less

Yes... moments stuck

Struggling to make balance

Balance between in and out get stuck

Looking at the evaporating life

Remember...clouding is temporary!

Time can't hold you long

It gains momentum in no time

Clinching the stuck moment

Takes you along the flow...

Never lose heart...

Take a raise the gear

And catch the life...

Though in different route

Though in different mode

Life is abundant...

Life is continuum

Stuck for a moment

But... never get stuck with life!


Paresh Kale said…
very inspirational !
Mary said…
Yes, life does keep moving,and we have to move with it. And yes, there are clouds, but you are right - they are temporary. They will always pass!
brudberg said…
Only way is to keep moving.. hopefully we can get the right guidance to move the right way.
Jae Rose said…
I love the conviction and motivation...easier said than done at times...although if we say it often enough maybe it occurs

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