SAPTAPADI....Seven Steps!

Seven steps around the fire
Two souls unite for lifetime

Living all their dreams
Sharing all their virtues
Two hearts beat in sync

Bearing all the good and bad
Holding the hands together
Cross the sea of life as one

Becoming one from two and
Two bonding... till death do apart
They say marriages are made in heaven
I say they are built on trust and faith

Poets United Midweek Motif ~  Seventh




Yogi Saraswat said…
They say marriages are made in heaven
I say they are built on trust and faith
The beginning of a great adventure!
Mary said…
I agree with you, about trust & well as work! Well expressed.
Susan said…
The circling and the fire helps the bonding, I am sure, as the meanings of trust and faith move into earthly words! Love this.
Sherry Blue Sky said…
This is very beautiful - the poem, and the ceremony with which they pledge their vows. I LOVE the closing line! So true.
Jae Rose said…
I think that would make for a healthy marriage..great write and philosophical thought
Gen Giggles said…
Great ending to the poem. Wonderful thought on life.

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