Lesson Learnt From “Lime”

Sometimes we learn big lessons from small things,
Of course one has to have an open mind to observe and analyze!

Today morning I was trying to extract lime juice
I was thinking something else and cut the lime along instead of across...
Then it became very problematic for me to hold the lime and extract its full juice.
In spite of all my efforts I was not successful to full extent …in extracting juice,
Definitely I couldn’t get completely what I want.

The reason is very simple I cut along not across….
But I have not realized the fact and at the same time
expected that it doesn’t make much difference in completing my job.

But today the lime has taught me a tough lesson..
Even though it’s a small one …if not treated in proper manner
It will not yield completely to us…

So my dear friends just think twice when trying to bend rules
To get something done…

You may assume “why not?” …
But every big or small thing in this world has its own individuality
You first try to understand it, accept its characteristics…
Then follow the rules …..

Don’t try to mend it according to your choice…
There is every possibility that …
You end up half way to success…



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