
Suddenly……sometimes …..
I loose the track….
I become quite random
In my thoughts
In my deeds

I don’t realize what’s happening
I don’t know why is it happening
Yet it happens………….

And obviously I become part of it
Without my concern.

The problem isn’t with the happening
The problem is with the end result,
For which I become responsible.
Irrespective of my involvement
People become judgmental….

Nobody ever bothers to ponder even for a minute
How do I become responsible for things which I have not done
Is it not wrong on their part to decide on my part?
Yet they will do that
Yet I have to bear the brunt……….

How stupid I am?????
To go along with the flow…
Instead of swimming across.
Why I become so timid at times?

Is it because I am “Latha”
Is it because of the belief?
Belief that I require a support all the time?
Is it because I refrain from swimming across the odds?

Probably the last one may be most opt answer…..
Yah true… at times I prefer to be an escapist
That may be the most easy thing to…do
The most easy way to avoid a problem…
When I know perfectly …that I can’t solve the problem!

What to do…..
Sometimes in life things happen in so rapid and random fashion that ..
I become a mere spectator………
Just a mere spectator!!!!!!!!!!!


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