Look into your heart…Check now and then!

Let me tell you one secret of learning ART OF LIVING….
No...No...You no need to go to Shri Shri Ravishankar.

You just look around your kitchen and do little bit of cooking.
Definitely once in a while you are going to get life’s finest lessons at no cost.

But… you have to have that ability…as I have mentioned earlier.
Ability to read in between lines.
(Doing most of compilation and editing jobs in my Lab,
I think I have developed the critical eye for looking into details).

Let me tell you one recent incidence…

In my kitchen all containers are transparent,
So that not only for me… for anyone else also... it becomes easy for picking up the things they want, when I am away.
Usually the things that are rarely used or empty containers I keep in the back row,
the front row consisting mostly the day to day, regularly used items in each shelf.

Last week I thought of preparing UPMA.
I looked up in the shelf, not found the Rava container (I regularly prepare upma)
and without even thinking and checking…that evening when I went out… I purchased Rava and prepared Upma for that night’s dinner.
The remaining Rava I left within the pocket just like that.

The next day morning when I tried to search for an empty container to pour the left out Rava...
I found one container backside…containing the upma rava.
In taking out something out …I might have pushed this one backside and forgot to keep it in its original place.

Standing there in the kitchen looking at my shelf…I realized

How in life sometimes we push some things back without even realizing that!
We never bother even to check……Look Back….
We go in search of them!
Never realizing that they are there with us ….in the same place!
Where we have kept them or left them.

Think about this specially with reference to relationships!
How we ignore some…
Give them... back seat!
Completely forget about them…
Think that... we don’t have them!

We go outside our territory in search of them!

Look into your heart…
Keep all doors open…
Check into each room now and then!
Who knows …?
You may find someone dear to you ….close to you…within your reach!


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