
Now days I feel that...I have become lethargic!
Too lethargic.... to even live the life!

It seems that I have lived enough!

Additions - Subtractions!
Multiplications - Divisions!

From the day one I am quite allergic to mathematics!
But what to do….
People always go by numbers...
Life becomes too calculative!

And somewhere in balancing these equations...
I miss the real equation!
The real balance!

The balance between mind, soul and body…
I think something…I wish something….and I do something!

How stupid I AM!
To think that I am living!

I think most of us, rather almost all of us…
Pull the wheel…So forcefully that….

The fine string that binds- the mind, the body and the soul…
Gets distracted somewhere in our hurry-burry life
And somehow, we try to reach the final destination!

Till then………it’s only number game

Rhythm correct ?????????


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