Time doesn't matter...

Half way through the year?

Don't just bother...always keep in mind

Still you have half year in hand  

It's always the way you look at the things

Something passes ...yet something remains

Time leaves you behind and moves ahead

You move ahead leaving "your time" behind

Never calculate how far you have reached

Ever keep in mind how much you accomplished

Time doesn't matter...actions matter

A little smile can brighten someone's mood for the day

A little love can make someone's breath for the life

Never compromise in dissipating kindness

What matters at the end of the day is

Not how much you have earned...

What it matters is .... how many you have earned!


Susan said…
I love moving ahead and leaving "your time" behind"--I wonder if I experience that? Out of time for moments here and there, maybe. Or maybe its others who have this impression of us? After the first 2 stanzas there is slight switch in topic from inward reality to outward giving, always keeping to the promise of the title. Thanks for posting at PU!
Mary said…
I agree that we should never compromise in dissipating kindness. If we do this both halves of the year, we can make the world a better place for sure.
Sumana Roy said…
love the first stanza...to have half the year in hand is indeed no small time...a nice write...
Jae Rose said…
Absolutely it's all about how we use our time..thoughtfully written and flows effortlessly
Sherry Blue Sky said…
I love "something passes...yet something remains." This is a positive and thoughtful philosophy. I like it!
Gen Giggles said…
I liked it. A very solid sentiment was expressed.

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