You are the key....

I searched here and there
I searched every where
I searched for just that one key..
The key that opens... the unseen heaven
The key  that opens... the  unknown treasure
The key that plays...the soulful music
The key  that gives...a bountiful pleasure

I forgot to realize ...everything lies within
The peace of mind...the soulful music
That gentle smile....the bountiful pleasure
One caring becomes heaven
One hand to hold...equal to a treasure

Moments doesn't build life
Remembrances make!
Pleasure not somewhere out
Pleasure is within

You are the key
Just open your heart...
When you belong to world......
World becomes yours!

(For Poetry Pantry:Midweek Motif ~ The Key)


Mary said…
Yes, all of the keys lie within. We have to look inward, not outward to find what is most important and dear! A nice poem here, PT.
Susan said…
The rhythm of this poem enchants and just might be the key to the right state of mind to open that inner door. Thank you!
Sumana Roy said…
the right place to keep the key and be the key...a lovely write...

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