Word has its Life

It can happen with any one
Rather it happens with every one
Some or the other time of their life
The frequency may vary.
It is most common with some people
Some people rarely do it
But I am sure......
No one can completely avoid it..

Yes..One cannot avoid it
Though he/she tries their best to avoid it.
It’s nothing but....
Uttering what they really don’t want to utter
Saying what they really don’t mean to say.

Yes, it happens in a moment of anguish
It happens in moment of frustration
It happens in moment of dis-satisfaction
It happens in moment of disappointment

It can be any temporary feeling
It can be love or hatred
But definitely it’s a momentary reaction

We forgot that word has....
Word has got its own value
Word has got its own impact
Word has got its own consequences
Word has got its own LIFE....

Seldom do we realize
And we do say something ...
Which we are not intended to say..
We may regret afterwards..
We may feel sorry or
We may even say sorry...

But is there anything we can do?
Anything to remove the hurt feeling of the person
For that particular moment of life
From their life time...

Absolutely not...

Why can’t we take time to think twice?
Why can’t we try to maintain calm
Why can’t we make peace with ourselves?
Till we are composed
Till we learn to compromise
Till we attain tranquility!!
Why do we want to act on impulses?

Every one might be having their own experiences
Some or the other time we all felt that...
Felt to…
To remove some instances from our history
By which we got hurt,
To edit some incidences from our past
By which we hurt the other person.

But Alas!!!
We can’t change even the slightest thing of the past
We can’t modify even the shortest moment of the time passed

Yes we are not capable...
We are so helpless

But only thing we can do is to remember
Remember in times yet to come that......

Word has its own Life..
So, act accordingly!!!


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