Love You.....

There may be 101 reasons

To say…why I love you

The way you laugh…

And make me to smile

The way you listen…

And make me to talk

The way you hug

And give me comfort

The way you hold

And give me console

I never have to tell you

All the behind stories

I never have to explain

All that I am going to do

You can just sync with me

Even when I am silent

You can just heal me

Even when I am badly hurt

Dear actually …..You are the one

Who made me to realize that

Love is beyond all these reasons

Our bond is beyond all these barriers

We dwell in a world....

Where only thoughts speak

And only hearts listen!

(To my loving daughter...who often asks me to write about her)


Mary said…
PT, what beautiful sentiments you have written about your daughter. She is very lucky to have a parent who is a poet, and you are very lucky to have such an inspiration in your life.
Vandana Sharma said…
:) I too have a daughter and to love her and having her in my life is the biggest gift:)
Brian Miller said…
i love that you wrote this for your daughter and of your love for her as well...i hope that she cherishes your we def need to hear of that love...

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