Let death be like that…

Better remain veiled
We never know what lies beneath
We never can guess what lags behind

Facts are facts…yet
Better remain them in closet
Better let them be secret

You know facts are often bitter
Reveal the life’s glitter

Life is never the same
Once you know the truth
One comes single….goes as one

Death is same for everyone
Yet becomes special
If you lose someone dear

Let death be like that…
Kept under the wraps
Till it gets naked…

Some things are better to remain veiled

(For Poets United: Poetry Pantry: #225)


Vandana Sharma said…
may be that's why we say ignorance is bliss.
Vandana Sharma said…
may be that's why we say ignorance is bliss.
Sumana Roy said…
Nature of truth is that it will come out one day & we can't avoid it so whatever happens truth has to be faced and it's good that future will always remain future...I think it's best to live in the present....nice thoughtful lines :)
Mary said…
Wise words here. Yes, if you lose someone, death is unique to you. And, true that sometimes it is good to keep some things veiled until it is time....
Gabriella said…
Indeed some truths are better left unknown.
if only those pangs of loss could be veiled
Susan said…
You remind me that we could tell all ofthe truth if we tell it slant (Emily Dickinson)--I think you imagine avoidance truly!
Gen Giggles said…
Yes, the argument for not knowing how long you have is good. But sometimes its nice to know, so you can take the time to say goodbye.
ZQ said…
So are my veiled comments. :-)
Sherry Blue Sky said…
What I am thinking is "one day at a time...."
Old Egg said…
We are not open books for when we die there will be secrets that know one knows. Some as you say are better veiled others would tell our stories with greater understanding.
PT said…
wow..wow..wow...so much bombardment from all the sides.
Its a kind of spontaneous verse.
Its a kind of crematory Philosophy
Yesterday morning we lost one of my colleague.
Everything happened so quickly..he came complaining of pain we rushed him to hospital..he was declared dead (all within 30 minutes of time).
he was just 40 years old.
It came as a rude shock to all of us in our complex....how much swift death is and how much harsh it can be. the lines are the result of all that agony!
Maniparna said…
Profound lines.....sometimes it's really wise to keep things veiled and wait for the right time...
J.N.T. said…
by the end of your poem I was smiling insidiously because I: 1) hail you for picking this theme/subject to write about; and 2) it is the absolute truth. there are things that you best go to your grave with. true story!

Justin Lamb said…
Death is certainly more special and more difficult to face when you're the one who is left here.

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