Why to Question GOD....

Life comes in bits and pieces!
Let it be
Pleasure or displeasure!
Ecstasy or anguish!!
Everything comes in bits!
Most of us face problems because we take all these bits and pieces in totality!

Whether its love or separation….
We consider it as never ending phase!
We consider that it’s going to be permanent!!

Especially when it comes to
Things of our interest…
The people we love…
We can’t easily part with them.

But let me tell you one thing…
We being mere humans can't think beyond certain limits
We pray god not to give us anything bad
We always seek his blessings to keep us happy

Never realizing that
He gives all the things of life in bits and pieces!

Life is nothing but an AMALGAM!
Thank god that he has given you a chance to experience the love!
Don’t curse him for separation!!

You are entitled for both
So take them in separate bits
Don’t try to combine them

Enjoy the moment of love!
But equally enjoy the tears!!
Each has its own significance!!!

Why to question him when something bad happens!
When you don’t ask him when he shower you with good things!


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