How that time was stolen....

I remember….

That wonderful night …
We… together!

Walking down the road….
Holding hand in hand!

The moon lit sky…
Making us shimmer!

Earth stood still…
We went around!

Listening to each other…
In …absolute silence!

Transforming the vibes…
In …tranquil coalesce!

We have “won”...
In many ways!

We were “one” ...
By any means!!

I still wonder…

How that time was stolen...
How those moments melted!

How you became a memory...

Today I have to remember!!

(For Poets United: Verse First ~I Remember)


Anonymous said…
Enjoyed this
Vandana Sharma said…
Encrusted with pain and love :)
Sherry Blue Sky said…
Very poignant remembering! Lovely.
alan1704 said…
Time has that forlorn effect, very powerful words.
Unknown said…
A sweet love to remember and relish the memories!
TCPC said…
Memories find a way to spin themselves!Lovely
Suzy said…
Very poignant and sweet. And those memories truly must be remembered.
Dropping by from Verse First

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