
In life’s steady waters
Love brings ripples
Heart fossilize them!

(for Haiku Heights # 256)


Anonymous said…
This is wonderful =) I have a lot of trouble loading your site (browser frequently freezes or crashes) and the comment section isn't always available (that might be a choice I am not sure but if its not I wanted you to know why I haven't left more comments haha). Your poems are wonderful and I enjoy them immensely and your site looks perfectly fine but it never loads without difficulty (I don't know if others have the same problem or not).
PT said…
Thanks for all the feels nice that besides, misery (as you say mindlovemisery)you love my writings too!
Kinara :) said…
Love brings ripples, heart fossilize them..So true,so true!
Loved it PT :)
Wabi Sabi said…
It is a good thing when we can keep those ripples of love forever!Ripples
Grace said…
I like that love brings ripples ~
Panchali said…
How true!! And I love that...!
Unknown said…
Loved it... Nice take !!

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