You small PAWN!!

From everything to nothing

From nothing to everything

Life moves on…

You try to... make it yours

Never understand that…Life is eternal!

You try to… keep a tab

Never realize that….Life is ambiguous!!

You try to…direct it

Never grasp that…Life is irrepressible!!!

You try to…lock it

Never follow that…Life is vulnerable!!!

Life just moves on…Taking you along!

You never be aware that...

Life was there…Before you!

Life will be there…After you!!

You like a fool say…My life ends

Life never ends…  It’s you …who ends!!

Life is a continuum...Just moves on

Life is enormous…You small PAWN!!

 (For Poets United: Verse First ~MOVE)


Sherry Blue Sky said…
True....and a bit scary - the enormous part! Great response to the prompt!!
TCPC said…
A cycle it is and we are but pawns and all the world a stage! I liked the way you categorised each feature into a word
Anonymous said…
The voyage of discovery is never-ending.
Unknown said…
Does feel a bit scary, but I guess it is the truth. Life will go on and on no matter how we try to plan.
Unknown said…
It's the game we play with life
kalpana solsi said…
indeed we are pawns. nice one.
Nice one.... yes Life is a Pawn.... well said
Suzy said…
Life just moves on taking you along - isn't that ever so true. Go with the flow I say. Very nice.
Dropping by from the Verse First Linkup.
Panchali said…
Oh yeah, that's an eternal flux!! Well said...

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