
Showing posts from October, 2013

In the moment of fear...

It’s not’s not spirits It’s the scary thoughts That descends down the spine Make you gloom and fragile Rope seems like snake Sound of wind becomes whistle In the moment of fear Every simple thing becomes evil Hold the heart firm March ahead with guts Nothing stops you to move Neither the ghost nor spirit   (for Poets Unites, Verse First ~ Ghosts & Spirits & Scares!)

PT-It's Me!

Realisations are like mirrors Everything reflects back to you The image appears perfect But for the twist… Left becomes right, right becomes left I was just wondering….is that one look is not sufficient enough to change your whole perspective about a certain someone/ something I think…rather I’s more than sufficient But definitely hard to swallow in Very harsh to count on Very glaring to see changing positions The moment you turn…everything takes a flip Life goes from right to left Or should I say…life itself becomes left One moment everything is there.. The other moment you are left all alone So many experiences…. yet I have not learned the art of making over Yet I am sensitive So much time spent with the rocks….yet I have not become rock solid Yet I shed tears Hey…you sitting up there and enjoying all the fun When will you put full stop to th...

Greasy thoughts...

Greasy thoughts Insidiously creeping out From the closet of mind Taking me into captivity Trying to mend my ways Some random…some planned Revealing all the hidden truths Making me naked before the world Greasy thoughts…. Painting me black... on otherwise bright image Never keep any secrets in store Always refresh the brain Press- Ctrl+Alt+Del….empty the Recycle Bin Each secret has its own mutiny Let them not play with your life You never know…what they do Wash them off…keep it clean Don’t hang on with greasy thoughts Pull them apart...push them aside Never allow them to take your stride  (For Three Word Wednesday, 3WW CCCXLVII: Prompt: Greasy, Insidious, Reveal)

You kept me in your heart….

I never knew what I am Till I reached you Restless soul …finds solace In presence of you You made me laugh…you made me talk You made me cry…you made me think You made me forget the worldly world You gave me a new leash of life Times have brought so many storms You became my strandline and taken care of me People gave me so many troubles You became my stand by in all the times of crisis In this entire universe… You gave special place to me You kept me in your heart…. Dear…You mean a world to me