In the moment of fear...

It’s not’s not spirits
It’s the scary thoughts
That descends down the spine
Make you gloom and fragile

Rope seems like snake
Sound of wind becomes whistle
In the moment of fear
Every simple thing becomes evil

Hold the heart firm
March ahead with guts
Nothing stops you to move
Neither the ghost nor spirit

 (for Poets Unites, Verse First ~ Ghosts & Spirits & Scares!)


Unknown said…
Bravo - it really is mind over matter in a pinch (a dark pinch)
Kitty said…
"It’s not’s not spirits
It’s the scary thoughts
That descends down the spine"

^ Love that part the best! Beautiful imagery!!!
Sherry Blue Sky said…
I love the bravery in this. "Hold the heart firm." Bravo.
Unknown said…
Spot on! We create our own demons and drama, don't we?

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