Words merge............

I have never learned from mistakes

Because I believe …
There is nothing called mistake in love

Because I believe…
There is nothing called misstep in life

Because I believe…
Love blossoms by mistakes
Life evolves by errors

You keep breaking  my heart…
I keep joining them with my revere
You keep shattering my dreams....
I keep seeing  them with spirit

You be harsh in your…words …actions

But I know nature…
Nothing remains intact
Even a solid rock melts

So one day….

Just like words merge to make a verse
You love me… healing my broken heart!

(For Poets United: Verse First ~Poetry heals)


Mary said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mary said…
Very odd. My comment appeared twice, and then I deleted one; and both left.

My comment was something like.....It is wonderful when a broken heart is healed...with love.
Anonymous said…
I love this there is so much wisdom here! Pain is necessary to build compassion, we try so hard to avoid discomfort that we stop living altogether
Unknown said…
Mistakes are some of our greatest lessons! Especially when they lead to a broken heart healed.
Unknown said…
Every experience a moment to learn. Yes.

A poem of pure determination.
Anonymous said…
indeed so much i agree .. with you .. there is nothing called mistake in love .. awesome lines
There's wisdom in your words.

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