Just like that...........

Sometime back giving a piece of advice a friend of mine added a sentence….
“Of course I know…its easy saying than doing”.
Today standing amidst chaotic life I am recollecting those words and thinking how true it is…

I can preach…I can write…I can console and I can advice others,
But what about me?

How far I am successful in applying them when it comes to me
If I see carefully…it’s negligible!

All my intellectuality (sounds a bit high?)…its o.k.
All my expertise and experience doesn’t come handy in matters related to me!
I feel myself lost…just like a motherless child!

Music, poetry, meditation, methodology...all seems to be just …useless…
When mind starts wandering at its own pace!
I remain helpless…hopeless!

Can anyone give any hints …?
Ha...ha...ha…foolish thing to ask for.. isn’t it?


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