Today...This moment is right for you to Tell.....

I often see people praising the persons when they are …On their way back!!

When they are departing, when they are retiring and mostly when they leave this world!

I always find it funny listening to all the credentials of a person worked for over a period of 30 years in the office….. on his/her retirement day

It sounds so silly but true that…most often people reveal that they enjoyed the association/stay/company of that particular person…when they comes to see them off

And finally…

Most often… people stupidly praise a person after his/her death!
As if till that time the person doesn’t have any value…

I wonder how one can do that….

Not recognizes the value of person and his/her qualities when they are around!

Why can’t they see the good and appreciate it in their presence

Why can’t they value a person when they are with them?

And why most often many of us realize the importance of a person when they are gone....
Most of the times it’s gone forever…

But still we practice that conservative nature of …not appreciating the value of others immediately

Somewhere our ego won’t permit…. I think….

To acknowledge the good in others as easily as pointing out their bad!

Anyways…it's better late than never…

If you have regrets of not telling any person the things you actually require to tell,

Just go ahead...

Today this moment is right for you to tell that…

I really …really like you/ your company or your quality….

Whatever it may be appreciate them right now…in the right moment!

Not when they are gone!!


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