
Life is fast percolating down,

While I am trying to squeeze some,

Passing through all the layers of  the Earth!
Trying to reach its core….
From where it has originated!!

Good or bad…Happy or sad
Lively or dead…Life Never mind

It’s us… who take it in different forms
It’s us…who break it in different norms

From nowhere to everywhere
From everywhere to nowhere...
It makes a complete sphere!

In it's approach...
Life seems to be very clear!!

It’s us…who forget that….
Life is a continuum
It’s us…who forget that….
Life is an amalgam

The more we try to hold it tight
The more we lose grip on it dear friend!

Treat it gentle…
See it in total
Grab some moments
Hold them close to heart

That’s all you can have it from life
Before it finishes its race!


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