Happiness is......

Some time back a good old friend of mine told me that….
Happiness is the integer of all pleasures put together!

Two days before someone asked me….” are you not happy?”
I have become quite confused with that query.

To be frank off late I am unable to do the analysis,
Rather I can say…
I am unable to tally and maintain the balance sheet of all the pleasures/ displeasures
To arrive at a conclusion to state….whether I am happy or not!

Pleasure is momentary…
Happiness is a sum total of all pleasurable moments of life!

Its keeps on changing….
Depending on the course of life

But let me tell you….
It’s problematic….if you go on keep the track of
What has happened…?
Especially….the account of displeasures!

Make a practice of checking out day to day accounts

Remove all the displeasures of the day….
Save all the pleasurable moments!

Make space for the next day….

Every day brings fresh life!
Every dawn gives new hope!!

Think to…
Multiply …pleasures!

Don’t recycle the past!
Have a happy state of mind…
Have a happy day!!


Anonymous said…
a good sum up,enjoy life.

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