Breaking all the Rules

Quite often I feel like
Feel like… breaking all the rules

The rules…. that bind the people
Based on cast, cadre and creed
The rules that divide the people
Based on region religion and need
Rules that tell you what do
Rules that tell you what not to do

Who is right and who is wrong
No one can judge you what you are
Unless they become one with you
Unless they become one within one

I am eager  to see one that day …
The day on which you become me
And I become you
Merging all the boundaries
Breaking all the rules

I know…Souls never stay isolated
They meet in the unlimited skies
Where love dwells in all blooming hearts
And hearts sing the song of unison


Khushboo said…
'I am eager to see one that day …
The day on which you become me
And I become you'

Hope this day comes soon...
Brian Miller said…
first, i am so glad you changed your set was so hard to comment when you were using flip book...ha...

hey i am all for breaking out of the expected...of finding yourself and not who others expect you to be....
Claudia said…
oh i'm all for tearing down walls that divide people....yes.. we're made to connect without man-made limits
Sumana Roy said…

the quickly rules that hold us in fetters are broken the better.....
Sherry Blue Sky said…
That closing stanza, especially, just lifts the reader's heart up and up....wonderfully so!
ZQ said…
Yes! Nicely said.
Unknown said…
Let's do it! Let's cut loose and break the rules and create all sorts of wondrous!
slowlearner68 said…
har kisi kee yahi khwahish hoti hai,magar kya ye sach hoti hai ?

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