To Live with "I".............


Sometimes I act so stupid…
But let me tell you….
Stupidity only mostly leads to true revelations
The problem with me is ….
Always remembering that I am "Me"…
An individual with a specific identity.... character…
whatever you may use to specify an individual!

I always wonder how people just take out that I from them…and still can feel that they are individuals
I just don’t want to bother about such people here…they live and die like that
But what about me…. The problem is not with death..I know it’s certainly accepts me in whatever shape... size…character I am
The problem is to live with this “I”
I never try to learn the chemistry of this I…
How come this alphabet is so complex among all others
Why it can’t mingle with others…in all the matters  of life….just letting itself lose some of its character
I always try …never succeeded…till today
Probably…I may not learn the art…
The art of compromising
But I learnt…living with this typical I feeling is…definitely going to kill me
waiting for the D-Day...



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