Let Go.....


Never be so hurry in life
Pause…think…and let go
Things which you don’t like
Just let them all go

Time once spent
Life once burnt
Hardly recoverable
Better you take care
Remember the truth and proceed
Strive to achieve the concord

Let the bitterness go
Let the bluntness vanish
Let the wickedness go
Let the distress banish
Holding the ray of peace
Life must race ahead

Never know when it will break
Keep the strings attached
Life is so gentle…
Handle it with care….
Pause…think…and let the junk go
Keep only love at your core! 

(for Poetry Jam, prompt: Let Go)


Brian Miller said…
nice...i think we need more time to pause...and def a lot more letting go.....we carry so much weight in our lives it is a wonder some times that we can even continue to move....love is the answer....
Laurie Kolp said…
Yes, life should be handled with care... and out with the junk.
alan1704 said…
Yes it is important to lose the trash that so often clings. Great words with so much wisdom.
Mary said…
Important to rid oneself of the junk as well. Yes, love at one's core is important.
Sherry Blue Sky said…
Now THAT is wonderful advice. I needed that! Thank you.
Hope said…
perfect message! enjoyed your write! thank you!
Sumana Roy said…
wise lines... Life is so gentle…
Handle it with care….'the line is beautiful and delicate...
Wayne said…
Nicely done and thanks for sharing your words
Kathe W. said…
yes- toss out what is irrelevant and pay attention to what is important.
Wendy Bourke said…
"Pause…think…and let the junk go" - good advice ! ! ! We really do hang onto a lot of junk, don't we. Well said!
Sarav said…
Really enjoyed your word choices here :-) Well written!
Intelliblog said…
I enjoyed reading this, a well written poem!

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